Our vision is to develop an inclusive research institution whose faculty are supported by a system that promotes career-long excellence for all. We focus on obstacles to recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing an exceptional, diverse faculty.


  • Increase representation of women and historically underrpresented faculty in all disciplines, especially in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). This is to be accomplished by providing institutional support through programs, policies, procedures, and climate change relevant to critical points on the academic career path (e.g., recruitment, pre- and post-tenure advancement, and leadership).
  • Develop and disseminate innovative strategies that can be applied at other institutions
  • Implement an infrastructure that gives these efforts highest institutional support and visibility, and fully engages the WSU community

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Click HERE for the Faculty-Friendly Policies FAQs

ADVANCE at WSU Lighty Building, Room 190F  P.O. Box 641061 Pullman, WA 99164-1061

 509-335-9739  Contact Us

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