PowerPlay Bias Awareness and Intervention Lab

Sponsored by ADVANCE at WSU and The Carson College of Business


PowerPlay’s Bias Awareness and Intervention Training Lab is focused on creating a fair and equitable workplace through building awareness of the biases that create obstacles towards that goal. The facilitated, interactive workshop allows participants to identify incidents of bias and then build the ability to address those issues in a positive and constructive way. Interaction involves witnessing brief moments of bias and experimenting with different strategies from the perspective of the bystander by suggesting intervention tactics to actors who then replay the scene. Participants get to play Director and Experimenter from the comfort of their chair. The PowerPlay team can also take “requests” on the spot: our actor-improvisers can examine incidents that are suggested from the audience that may be unique to a participant’s experience in this institution’s climate and culture.








Biases create obstacles toward a fair and equitable workplace.
PowerPlay can help build awareness of these biases. We’ll help you experiment with different intervention strategies in a risk-free, dynamic way.


Dr. Stephanie Goodwin

Dr. Stephanie Goodwin, a renowned leading expert on bias intervention and awareness training and best practices, will supplement the program with a presentation and facilitation. PowerPlay collaborated closely with Dr. Goodwin on the development of this Training Lab, which grew out of an NSF Conference presentation by Univ. of New Hampshire ADVANCE focused on utilizing interactive theatre to address bystander intervention.

She is the Director for Faculty Development & Leadership at Wright State University (WSU) where she assesses, develops and implements campus-wide faculty development/leadership initiatives.